Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm hungry

Hmm, the all capable chef of the house is gone for a week. I'm hungry, pizza anyone?

Anyway, what do you do when you are hungry? Sometimes I just don't want to eat - although I'm really hungry. I’m just too lazy to feed myself food. Ever met someone like ME? Just like now while I’m blogging, there’s food on the table and I’m VERY VERY hungry. I’m just too lazy to get downstairs and eat. I rather blog than feeding myself FOOD. GOOD FOOD. DELICIOUS FOOD (this is not helping.........).

Hmm, I better eat before I starve myself. Until then, I’ll post a picture of what I ate. Till then, dinner’s on! Ciao!

1 food taster:

Anonymous said...

It happens to me too sometimes to be too lazy to eat even if I'm very hungry. Actually, when I think about it, the hungrier I am, the more difficult it is for me to go and eat.

Anyway, if you take pictures of your food, please post them, as I'm always curious to see what other people eat!
